Hello! kumoosa!
ok I wrote some notes over the week and I’ll start with them.
I think I got like 30 letters this week, that’s a lot I think. Also I received 5 stories; those were cool.
to John and family - That is nice that Isaac is saying rad stuff. and that zora is becoming an awesome artist. Hi ZORA!
to LarryD and family - Thanks for all the notes. Spencer... did you just say 'Dear Fishhead, From Spencer"?
And Derek I am glad there are not 6,000,000,000,000 stinks and only 6.
um, to answer a couple things. I’ll try not to die, Or turn into an elephant, when I come back, or while I am here. I even try not to turn into a giraffe.
Apparently It’s good to bring your passport to the MTC with you. Not leave it at home. I got them to call you mom, and I got a message that you sent it, but it never came to me. I hope you sent it somewhere else.
Sherry’s having a baby? I got a notice written on a box of mike n ikes. Yep.
to Lucy- no, I don’t know where you iPod is. Got to remember I haven’t been home for almost a month now. But I do remember using it with you on that run. I would have put it on the counter, or gave it to Heidi... good luck ha-ha
Grandpa D- My companion said that you traveling to Melville island were pretty cool. He didn’t know everything about it, but he was impressed.
oh, Sorry if I complain too much I get packages. Although I probably won’t eat all of that, Packages are always good.
So I have been reading in the Acts, during some of my free time, One thing that I thought was pretty cool, was acts 12:3-11. I wrote next to it, "pretty sweet escape"
um,Tagalog is wack. Um, I guess I’ll send a word or two that you guys can use. o-o means yes, Hindi means no, kumusta mean how are you, mabuiti means good. Also too-big means water. I’ll send some more later.
I guess I could tell you about my companion some more. He is 26, from Melbourne Australia. He talks a lot... well he likes to tell stories. um, he says lots of cool stuff, which I am picking up on a little.
like PowerPoint is an outlet,
and it’s not sunglasses, its sunnys.
runners - tennis shoes
and some other stuff too.
um, he is an engineer of some sort. electrical I think? he had a job as a programmer/chip builder/tester/everything else of some safety equipment for cars. I think his main thing he worked on a ton, was for a forklift. So like ... I don’t know but it was pretty cool. computer controlled the ignite, and speed, and stuff. so people don’t run into each other and die.
yah. ummm For a while I was thinking that me and my companion were really bad a teaching. I see how the companion was the hardest part, as a lot of the time, we wouldn’t mesh well at all. and other stuff like that. um, but then I realized when another group was teaching us (a practice thing), that we were actually better than they were. I feel good about that now. Maybe that’s not the best way to feel good, by thinking other people stink. oh well.
tagalog is coming along. I guess. Just got to practice more on my own. Still, I do realize when I get out there, I learn a ton, so I am not worried about it too much.
Someone was asking about what my class was like. In class we will ether work on tagalog, or preach my gospel. In preach my gospel times, we talk about different things that are in there and ways they can help, or writing lesson plans (or just ideas for them), or teaching each other.
every Thursday, I have a ... something. It’s were we get time to really use our tagalog and teaching. volunteers will come in and we do a 15 minute (or 2- 7 minute) taglog talking thing. Like this week we are to ask about their family, tell about ours, ask them to get on the bus, ask them if they rad the scriptures/or prayed. follow up on the commitments. ect. After that we will be teaching the 2nd lesson the plan of salvation. English this time. In 2 weeks, we will be doing our teaching part in tagalog... that’s going to be tough.
uh, on Mondays (today) I get to go to the temple, and write letters. that was pretty cool. another companionship, wanted us to come with them, and we got up at 5:45 to an earlier session. ouch. oh well. It’s actually not that bad getting up early now.
Um, well today 15 tagalog elders (from our zone) leave to the field, and we get 10 more this Wednesday. That might mean someone might join our bedroom, (and in which I will have to clean up all my stuff, because we are just all over the room).
um 2 minutes left.
uh I am doing good, always pretty busy. I hear that BYU school starts within a week(I think), so that will be weird, knowing that Heidi will be like 3 blocks away. I hear the bell tower from the MTC, which was right next to heritage building(my last apt).\
oh well Things are doing good, thanks for all the letters