So by next week, everyone will be more mataba. or fat. or eatten turkey and mashid potatos. I will have ..... Rice! yes.
Hey so I was thinking, What is a senoir companion? do they have those in other missions? the name seems familer, but they dont have them here. besides trainer/trainee and follow up trainer/trainee. then its co-seniors. thats it (well district/zone leaders) anyways.
Was reading a note from a friend, who was saying how "90% of the time your mission you will be going to places where no one is there.. but the 10% of the time is great..."
well here in dipacluo (not all of my mission, but here), we have 100% of the time we can teach... sooo the hard part is finding who would be the best to teach, and then being very very efficient with our time.
Um, well i have a new companion. Elder Yap.
soooo my companion hurt his leg and so we haven't been able to really work at all since transfers. (we got one day in). I think he sprain something, and cant really walk. He hops around pretty good. um, yah. Something kinda funny about our area is, we have been having some of our investigaters come find us, begging us to come teach them. But we cant go. doe.
Also because of the sprain, I have been getting a lot of studying in, which has been pretty nice. um yah. Also me and my companion have been able to get to know each other a little better.
like the first day, he was here... He was saying some crazy stuff, how we are going to be changing everything, and blah blah blah. So I was like.. um I dont know if we should do that. Anyways, and then When I would try to speak tagalog with people or I try to plan (by myself practicly..because he doesnt know the area) he would always say stuff like, ohhh, you have lots to learn, I will help you fix your problems.. (what?!) or stuff like (after I had tryed really hard to teach and talk to some investigaters), "yah, your tagalog needs alot of work, it was really bad. I mean the investigaters could understand you, but yah lots of work." Anyways it was pretty annoying. I actaully was just taking pretty much anything he said, and converting it to :"oh elder dickinson, you are super rad."
There was one other thing.. so The way I saw it, anytime we talked at all, I would just get a little more mad at this kid. But we when we eat food and talked, (something I like to do is eat with my companion, which according to him isnt common) then everything was good again. Food.. its a great thing. I actally figured it was going to be like this the whole transfer.
Anyways I wasnt too happy with him. Anyways, in these last couple of days, after I kinda just gave up trying to hate him, (yah I didnt like 'um ha..yah) I started over with him, and realized he was is just a very very honest guy, and his super plans for changing everything, was really just working hard. I think I am starting to understand that, his english isnt perfect, and has picked up werid ways of saying things. After we got talking a bunch, I started to realize that he actully was just trying to be helpful, and to be a hard worker.
so pretty much we are pretty good friends now. and ... yah . but rad. He has a Naruto headband with the leaf symbol like in the show. And real nunchucks. And has a ton of spongebob stuff. Like everything. a bag, his pens, his notebooks. yep.
um so I am awesome! I dont know what to write. I prolly had a bunch of things I wanted to say, but I dont remember now. I did get spongebob song, and puff the magic dragon.. which may be used.
ummmmmmm meh. If I have mail (paper), Ill get it for the 2nd time since I have been to the philipines on thusday. yah! Its best!
ummmmmmmm b..... heidi mabaho. bye.
eldur dickinson