rad, i like birthdays. partys. for peter. I will eat cake for him
later tonight. (i have cake.. somehow).. really.
wait? heidis getting married? thats werid.
um, about that missionary youth program.. thats really cool. I was
talking with a sister missionary, on our way back from zone
confernce... about a missionary plan thing. But the stake plan wins..
(berifly, they went on 2 day camp, had a "mtc", studyed, got into
companion ships, had a p-day. then after wards, they went to members
houses (who were ready for them), and taght a lession. her younger
brother is 14 or something. anyways, if your intersted, (meaning dad
being the only one remotely intersted), email me about it... but you
seem is be buzy for now. (my twist was thinking sometihng like this,
on the beach leadership training... maybe even just arranging to teach
members, around that area...) anyways)
so some rad stuff here.... i dont know if i menchen this already or
not... but the philipines is pretty rad. Oh right, but something
really cool. So i noticed the other day, while we were walking.. about
7:40 pm .. i looked up. And I could see 2 palm trees over the path...
and about 1000 stars in the sky. I remember i time i paid money...
real money, to look at fake stars (a light show thingy...). (although
it might have been worth it there was very soft chairs).
later, there was a brown out, (meaning no power.) it lasted about a
day... we stopped to pick someone up at the church about 7pm... looked
up... 1 billion stars... i didnt know there were really that many.
then while i was sittin there, i focused my eyes (i think blue eyes,
see light better, or something like that), well then i saw like one
ka-trillion. it was pretty sweet. I dont even know anything about
asanameny (star-people), but it was not hard to see the constlations.
Like i have seen orains belt... But now it was super obvoious who
orain was, and it wasnt just a random belt named orain. I could see a
big bow, maybe orain owns a bow, and there was a obvoius coyotee. i
dont know what any of the rest were called... but now i understand,
that people that study stars, didnt just make up a bunch of
constations... you can really see them... you just have to be rad like
me, and be in the phlipines.
Something else, the SA (18-25) year olds told me the other day, that
they would fast for me this next fast sunday. Yes. I asked why. they
said it was ter-dish-an. That all the missionarys here, they get dear
john-ed here, and they help by fasting for it. Yah. actally some how i
dont see this being unrealistic... well somehow... i have gotten one
already... sorta (it was from john). heh, or maybe not.
oh so, maybe this is nessarry... i have been getting lots of
letters... yes! i am the radest. But i am very lazy. I havent sent
replys in a long time. I have a bunch almost done, or started, or
finished.. some i wrote in decemember, and i resently found a list of
people i had goals to write.. jan 8, jan 15... yah one day ill send
letters. one day.
Oh, so resently i got a letter, with... 7 letters inside. the first
one written in Oct. yes.. anyways, from these letters, and older
ones... i realise people actally read my letters. Also that I complain
alot. And dont ever say when things have gone well. I have a bunch of
letters, asking how me and elder yap are doing... I complained the
first week or two.. but after that we became really good friends.. i
geuss i should have wrote that part. He is someone i am going to try
to contact after the mission. heh. (also i am senting a picture of a
letter send to me.... dont do that. dont write 105 lines one side of
paper. dont do it. but it was really funny. every line of it.
)[also... here something to do. instead of writing a letter in oct and
not sending it till feb.. i have a picture of a letter that, got to
the mission home, the day before zone conference... which means i got
it right then... rad.]
Last random thought, before i get to... something else. So, they tell
you here... dont drink the water. its true. I know. I did it. I felt
just like we (me and jimmy) did after we drunk the water in egypt... i
guess only jimmy can really appichate that.
ok soooo i really shouldnt stay here too much longer... so ill just be cheep
heres what i wrote to my mission prez..
We are having good success with tatay Marsalo. He has avoided
ciggerettes for 5 days now in a row, and he is working towards his
baptismal goal date at the end of march. Im exicted for that. He has
been coming to church. He was having trouble finding time to read, but
the last couple of times, he was showing us were he was reading. Super
The rest of our investigaters haven't started, or are not coming to
church now. Sorta sad. But we have hope for a couple of them still.
Tatay Madesto, is a really cool guy. He is really intersted in our
message, espeally after teaching about the plan of salvation. We had
the branch president meet with him, on his request. He hasnt been
reading, as much as we would have hoped.. and he hasn't made it to
church yet. But we will keep working with him.
Nanay Ursla... really nice. pretty much progressing. She was coming to
church. Her biggest concern is her coffee. But she has been working on
it. I think she has gone 3-4 days now with out it. She keeps talking
about how she is gettting old, so she should die. so sometimes its
hard with her. But she does want to be baptised.
things are doing fairly well, yah... maybe next time ill actally write
things .. that are more rad
ps. we went bowling at place, where behind the pins was a guy setting
them up. We didnt get him though.
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