How does scripture study in seminary help you during your mission?
Well in seminary, I didn't study a ton. But from what I did learn,(mostly talking about the scriptures I memerized) are the ones I use
everyday.A lot of times, I dont know exactly what I am going to teach
at an appointment, so I get started in the lession, and i need a
scripture. Sometimes they have a question, where it would be nice to
use a scripture. I can only use ones I know about. And when that time
comes, I need to think quick. I open to a scripture I memerized (and
forgot) in seminary. (well, I still know what its about, and where).
Or other times, I will try to relate a story from the book of mormon,
to their life. Almost all my storys are from 1 NE. prolly because I
have read 1 Ne 10 times. Other times I will relate storys, where the
backround info, and how to relate it, I learned from semiary class. I
wish I would have learned more (memerized more, I still quote the ones
I have memerized a ton... and its getting repeative). I also wish I
took semiary more seriously, or at least didnt use the time to do my
english papers, or head off to mcdondles with ben.
What advise would you like to give the youth about these two things?
because you can use them to help people. Including your self. And you
need to use the scriptues on a mission. Also if you have indiviual
scriptures memerized, or at least know where and what its about, is
really nice.
What are some of the things that the young men's program helped you in
preparing to serve? (stories, good example of youth leader etc.)
thing about a mission, is my companions. If you can learn to camp with
someone for a day.. its a big start, to living with someone for 6-12
Do you feel closer to the Lord and how does that make you feel?
out side of church. And now everyday we are talking about him. We are
teaching and inviteing people to come unto Christ. I think I
understand the importance of the Lord, in a way I never did before.
Has your testimony of Jesus Christ changed?
our own. We see familys change and find joy. When I ask if they where
able to pray, or how they felt when they came to church, I hear people
explain the feelings of the sprirt everyday. Its not hard to belive.
And as a missionary, you do those things too. Pray.Alot. read, or
actally study the scriptures. Go to church. I see the importance in my
life so much more. and the importance in others lifes.
How do you feel when you find someone to teach?
are not intersted, or dont care (rare). Because the next time you
come, they are hiding (common) many times the kids come to the door
and say, mom told me that, that shes not here. orr yah.(common). But
we do have lessions sometimes. When we have a first lession, we have
hope. We get a little exicted. When we find somone like Jerem, who we
taght for 7 weeks before I was transfered, who actally wanted to
listen. And takes the effort and time to come to church, even when it
means a 30 min. walk. And reads the scriputres. Thats awesome. We are
always trying to plan for him, and find the best way to help him
Is serving your mission worth your time or would you rather be doing
something different?
oppertunity. Sometimes, its hard. Sometimes you want to kill your
companion. Sometimes it fills long. Sometimes it feels to short. You
rreally get to see tons of cool things, cool changes in people, cool
people. To be honest, sometimes i am just tired of trying to learn
this language and stuff. But If I were to pick again to go or not
go... I would pick to go.
Are you having adventures or exciting experiences?
downpour. Times when we desided we would go tracking, and find out the
path goes on for 2 hours, with no people. And the best way back is on
a long, thin bamboo bridge over a river. When we went across, we could
feel and hear the boards moving and cracking. We hiked up to waterfall
on a p-day.
Really though, the most exicting thing is the talking to people. In
some funny language. ok sometimes its not so good or exicting.. but
other times it really is. We really never know what people are going
to do. One of my favorate things, is when I was with Elder Yap, going
for 1st return appointment. He would have me knock (well really we
just say tawpo.) and he would hide near the back door. And when the
person, would try to run out the back door, we would .. find him. It
wasnt really successful, but it was pretty funny to see their
Another thing about missionary work.. talking to people. right. This
had actally been one of my biggest weaknesses.The other day I had
really, my first OYM, where i did it. meaning talk to some random
dude, about the chruch.I found sometime. we were walking down the
highway, and passed a street. I desided that we needed to go down that
street. so we went back, and down the other street. I had no idea what
i would say, or to who. I nervously walked down the street. We came to
an opening, still no one, and desided to continue. I had started
praying, fo help in my head, as we walked, as i had no idea what i was
going to do.Then I felt the need to stop. And turn around. I dont know
why.So we did, and I started walking back. We saw a guy coming toward
us. I desided to stop him. First I asked him about what was down that
path. He explained it was just going to the mountains and there was no
people. And also a graveyard (prolly best not to enter the graveyard
at night0. Then I preceeded to share a short OYM. He told us that he
knew of a missionary before, years ago, who talked to him on the
street. I was pretty exicted, As this really was my first OYM of my
whole mission. Then he kept talking... I had no idea what he was
saying. After a while, he realised that, and then said he was heading
off. So it wasnt super successful in the fact as didn't really know
what he said. But I do know where his house is. haha.
Have you seen someones life change? Can you tell us about that?
hour to make it to church, with 3rd degree burns on her leg. because
she didnt want to have her bapisemal date extended again. Talking with
them night after night. On this night even. And them sharing their
testimony, nanay and tatay, their testimony of Christ, and the
blessings they have received, and about this church. (They live in a
vacent house (actally resently got kicked out) with no electricy, and
for water they go to a hand pump down the street, to fill buckets up.
The tatay uses a borrowed bike to go 7 miles to a cheap construction
job, which sometimes he doesnt have. But they are happy. really happy.
They are so sincere. They are so funny. They have high respect for the
missionarys. for me. I dont know what i did, as i dont really speak
their language. or didnt. Way cool. not going to forgot them.
Can you give a brief story of a special moment during your mission?
getting spilt up (me and my companion), on two different tricylces.
This was my 4th week in the field. I had no idea what people were
saying. We show up at the church... which was about a 30 mintue ride.
No companion. Not for 40 more mintues. Because the tri. he was on ran
out of gas. and he had to push it for a long ways. Also some of the
Rocapors were on that tri. They had me conduct. I was really
stuggleing to talk, most people were just confused and were just
looking around the building. I could see nanay (mom) Rocapor sitting
happyly. Me and my companion sang a muiscal number. Come thou fount of
every blessing. I did not really know the song very good. A friend of
mine happen to send me the words in a letter, about a week before. We
had no music tho. So we practiced inbetween appontments. We took turns
on verse 1 and 2. On verse 3 we both sang, me singing a made up tender
part.. yah its wasnt right.. hahaha. feeling like I havent done
anything right this whole time, (forgetting the fact there isnt enough
baptismal clothes as planned) I was getting a little nervous. We go to
the font and the water has turned a nice dark green. Even with all of
this, you could plainly see that nanay and tatay rocapor were fine and
at peace. They knew the importance, and couldnt be bothered with any
of the small things. You could see they were at peace. They were
happy. This was someing they had been working for a while now, (they
had waited for tatay (dad) to stop smoking). I stopped worryed when I
saw them. Later that night we went back to visit. You could tell they
knew what they just did. You could feel it in their testimony.
Anything elswe you would like to say to the youth?
but maybe I should. Um, a mission isnt sit, sit, sit. Its going out
and talking to as many people as you can. teaching. helping people. As
with anything, with practice you can learn to get better and capaible.
For me, this was my outlook on a mission. That Ill figure it out when
I get there.You can.... but it way better if you are prepared first.
Like, I am trying to learn tagalog right now. But I need to study
english first, so I know what I want to teach, how I can, what to do.
It would have been a lot easier to learn this stuff, not at the same
time as trying to learn tagalog. It really would have been helpful to
work with the missionarys, going to stake mission prep stuff back
home, or at school. The only prep, I really did was while I was at
school I learned to stay awake in scarament meeting. I would be for
your best benfit to pay attchen in church, semiary, and mission prep
so I wrote a couple notes earlyer. I will write that first.
so resently I was thinking about some of the programs I wrote when I
was home... and how all of them were offencive to someone. so I
figured I say sorry. hahaha.
Also, One of the youth in the ward, has been looking up things about
oregon. Appearently, Oregon has the smallest park in the world. Its
450 sq/in. for snail racing. thats cool. I want to go watch snails
race in portland.
The other day, I heard a familer song. um well here, video-karaioki is
really popular. There is one always playing next to one of our
investigaters. I heard the song dad always tryed to get me to sing
when he heard rumors of me getting a girlfriend, Pllllllease release
me, let me goooo. hahaha that was funny. I thought dad was just crazy.
Apparnetly it was a real song.
So lately I have been trying to fix up my mission. I think I have been
hinting that things have been slowly falling apart lately. yah, my
companion isnt very obdient. And I started to join in, in some of that
stuff. well, we had interviews with the mission prez, last week, and
re-explained to me how wrong some of the things we were doing were.
sooo yah I am trying to do better. Anyways (real word), I also wanted
to start doing better with my work too.
One of my biggest weakness as a missionary is OYM (or talking to
random people). As a trainee, i never really did any. I would watch,
or rarly I would pertisapate. The other day, I really wanted to set a
goal to have an oym. I found sometime. we were walking down the
highway, and passed a street. I desided that we needed to go down that
street. so we went back, and down the other street. I had no idea what
i would say, or to who. I nervously walked down the street. We came to
an opening, still no one, and desided to continue. I had started
praying, fo help in my head, as we walked, as i had no idea what i was
going to do.Then I felt the need to stop. And turn around. I dont know
why.So we did, and I started walking back. We saw a guy coming toward
us. I desided to stop him. First I asked him about what was down that
path. He explained it was just going to the mountains and there was no
people. And also a graveyard. Then I preceeded to share a short OYM.
He told us that he knew of a missionary before, years ago, who talked
to him on the street. I was pretty exicted, As this really was my
first OYM of my whole mission. Then he kept talking... I didnt
understand what he was saying. After a while, he realised that, and
then said he was heading off. So it wasnt super successful in the
fact as I had no idea what he said. But I do know where his house is.
so i am the raddest. actally not really. Today I wanted to try
another, and I had a guy who kept looking at me and my nametag on the
bus/jeep-nee ... and we saw him later in the day.. but i didnt really
know what to say. so i just ran away. prolly not the best move. I
think he actally almost started to talk to me. I guess I should talk
to people... yah I failed.
what else this week?
well how about a couple storys. We were going to teach... and like
normal, i had no idea what we were going to teach. I thought... hmmm
maybe 1 Ne 17 about nephi and the boat. I dont know why. Just thought
that. So we just start talking to him, for a while and my companion
pulls out a scriptue, and is like ... hey what you are talking about
is just here, in 1Ne17. I already had it open. It was like we planned
it. that was cool.
I did something like that again too. but now I dont remember the details.
We had a OYM, or we found some random old dude sitting on a log. so we
started talking to him. He had talked with the missionarys before. We
asked why they didnt come back. He first told us he wasnt sure. And
later he told us that he didnt really care. we set up an appointment
anyways. It helps he was sitting next to a resent convert friend. So
we came back a thaght him. that was rad. He's old. and rad.
Oh. we had 6 investigaters show up to church. We wre hoping for about
3. And really expecting 2. that was radness.
um well, thats mostly all I got to say for now. ... yep. I am hungery.
and we are going to head off to a place call jollybee, (kinda like
hmmmm moooo
p.s. I cant say things are great with my companion yet... still afrade
to talk to him sometimes. But I am not scared anymore that he will
pull a knife on me now. Things are looking good. hhahaha. I think hes
really funny. Even though.... yah he dont like me. hahaha. ok .. bye
pss huh. i didnt take any pictures... so i just took one now, for fun.
so I wrote a couple notes earlyer. I will write that first.
so resently I was thinking about some of the programs I wrote when I
was home... and how all of them were offencive to someone. so I
figured I say sorry. hahaha.
Also, One of the youth in the ward, has been looking up things about
oregon. Appearently, Oregon has the smallest park in the world. Its
450 sq/in. for snail racing. thats cool. I want to go watch snails
race in portland.
The other day, I heard a familer song. um well here, video-karaioki is
really popular. There is one always playing next to one of our
investigaters. I heard the song dad always tryed to get me to sing
when he heard rumors of me getting a girlfriend, Pllllllease release
me, let me goooo. hahaha that was funny. I thought dad was just crazy.
Apparnetly it was a real song.
So lately I have been trying to fix up my mission. I think I have been
hinting that things have been slowly falling apart lately. yah, my
companion isnt very obdient. And I started to join in, in some of that
stuff. well, we had interviews with the mission prez, last week, and
re-explained to me how wrong some of the things we were doing were.
sooo yah I am trying to do better. Anyways (real word), I also wanted
to start doing better with my work too.
One of my biggest weakness as a missionary is OYM (or talking to
random people). As a trainee, i never really did any. I would watch,
or rarly I would pertisapate. The other day, I really wanted to set a
goal to have an oym. I found sometime. we were walking down the
highway, and passed a street. I desided that we needed to go down that
street. so we went back, and down the other street. I had no idea what
i would say, or to who. I nervously walked down the street. We came to
an opening, still no one, and desided to continue. I had started
praying, fo help in my head, as we walked, as i had no idea what i was
going to do.Then I felt the need to stop. And turn around. I dont know
why.So we did, and I started walking back. We saw a guy coming toward
us. I desided to stop him. First I asked him about what was down that
path. He explained it was just going to the mountains and there was no
people. And also a graveyard. Then I preceeded to share a short OYM.
He told us that he knew of a missionary before, years ago, who talked
to him on the street. I was pretty exicted, As this really was my
first OYM of my whole mission. Then he kept talking... I didnt
understand what he was saying. After a while, he realised that, and
then said he was heading off. So it wasnt super successful in the
fact as I had no idea what he said. But I do know where his house is.
so i am the raddest. actally not really. Today I wanted to try
another, and I had a guy who kept looking at me and my nametag on the
bus/jeep-nee ... and we saw him later in the day.. but i didnt really
know what to say. so i just ran away. prolly not the best move. I
think he actally almost started to talk to me. I guess I should talk
to people... yah I failed.
what else this week?
well how about a couple storys. We were going to teach... and like
normal, i had no idea what we were going to teach. I thought... hmmm
maybe 1 Ne 17 about nephi and the boat. I dont know why. Just thought
that. So we just start talking to him, for a while and my companion
pulls out a scriptue, and is like ... hey what you are talking about
is just here, in 1Ne17. I already had it open. It was like we planned
it. that was cool.
I did something like that again too. but now I dont remember the details.
We had a OYM, or we found some random old dude sitting on a log. so we
started talking to him. He had talked with the missionarys before. We
asked why they didnt come back. He first told us he wasnt sure. And
later he told us that he didnt really care. we set up an appointment
anyways. It helps he was sitting next to a resent convert friend. So
we came back a thaght him. that was rad. He's old. and rad.
Oh. we had 6 investigaters show up to church. We wre hoping for about
3. And really expecting 2. that was radness.
um well, thats mostly all I got to say for now. ... yep. I am hungery.
and we are going to head off to a place call jollybee, (kinda like
hmmmm moooo
p.s. I cant say things are great with my companion yet... still afrade
to talk to him sometimes. But I am not scared anymore that he will
pull a knife on me now. Things are looking good. hhahaha. I think hes
really funny. Even though.... yah he dont like me. hahaha. ok .. bye
pss huh. i didnt take any pictures... so i just took one now, for fun.
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