um hi.
well I dont have a ton of time, so I start with some notes I wrote
earlyer this week, and see whats left.
So last week I was talking about an 'first oym' i did. where i talked
to some guy, and didnt know what he said. I forgot about the 2nd part.
Right after I talked with that guy, feeling super rad, we were walking
towards our next appointment, and we pass a guy on the street, and he
starts talking to us. i was like Yes! but I also didnt know know what
he said. Lucky my companion answered him. After that he arrived were
ever he was going. Ok it wasnt that amazing, actally all he asked was,
do you belive in a cult? or are you a cult? and my companion said no.
oh yah. we're rad.
um, so the other day, I started useing the seasonings you guys gave
me. i first opened 'taco seasoning'. i wasnt cooking tacos. but i did
make some scrambled eggs. And i put some of that in. it was good. it
was like I was eating a taco.... but there was no taco. It was
pretttty trippy.
Later I made something, thats pretty much ramon noodles. But i desided
I would add some ingredents for fun.added instant veggie soup mix,
seasoning salt (pink?), bbq seasoning, and some of the left over taco
seasoning for good measure. hmmm its wasnt.... the best. I wrote: "No
Go". as... it was the first thing i have cooked, that i could not
um... I was messing around the guitar, we borrowed the other day...
and, I sorta wrote a song. that was cool. I didnt write an lyrics, but
i just make it up when I play it. Like "Immmmm in the
Philipiiiinnnnes!.. and I am playinnng a song. And I ate some taco
seasoning earlyer... bam! and now I am going to go study.... but not
yet! ... and so on...
(most of it, is G, C, Am, C...D .. then a bridge part Dm, C E7,C Dm E
C Am... or sometihng..)
anyways there is a part I dont like yet.. need to fix... but I am rad.
Pretty much thats all I am trying to say here.
The other day, we went to a guy pushing a cart around (well a
bike-cart). and got some real, philipino style icecream man ... prolly
isnt safe. oh well i didnt die. He scooped me some ice cream. yellow
and purple. Yellow was cheese flavor. purple was ube (or sweet
potato). yep.
Oh the other day, I was feeling sick... so I thought, I know what i'll
do. Ill make some hot coco. As there is some coco powder in the food
you guys sent. i found the recipe cila made. it called for coco
powder... suger... milk... some other stuff. and vinella. Well I didnt
have milk, or sugar. so i boiled some water.. and put some coco powder
in. and some vinella. .... I think sugar is important. I found some
chocolate chips, they have sugar in them, and it tasted a little
what else, Oh about the Tunami. the water thing, in japan. I dont know
if anything has happened here. But ill here, from members and
investgaters if something does...
but, I was just thinking, sean my roomate from school is there...
somewhere, on a mission and other people I know... I am assuming their
fine... but doe.
anyways, maybe i should write about whats up here... in the missionary stuff.
I went on spilts this week. me and a philipino whos been on the
mission as long as me. It was pretty fun. We went to a house to
deliver a book, and the member wasnt there. so we started talking to
the grandma. i found out she wasnt a member, and actally had never
heard from the missionarys before. So I tryed to set up an
appointment, and my companion desided we would just teach right there.
so we did. Our lession didnt make any since... well it did, but
because she had questions... and we didnt fully cover every thing, we
kept having to go back, and stuff. It was really confusing. I was
pretty sure, we did notthing, but confusing. the dad and mom, (tatay
and nanay) helped by sharing a testimony. but, yah. Afterwards, we
chated for a little bit, i she said something pretty cool. First i
said, sorry if that was confusing.. we would like to try to anwser
questions you have or something, maybe next time...
Then she said "oh yah.. haha. but really i am really surprised you
actally stayed to teach. And i am really happy you did. I have seen
the missionarys before.. here actally. but before they just said, 'hey
is balh blah here? oh, no.. ok well thanks a bye.' But you actally
talked to me. That was really cool."
or seomthing like that. So I dont know if anything is happening with
maria (or mary). I thought she knew the missionarys, well, so i just
started talking to her, she was pretty cool. oh well.... rad.
um, so latey I started exerisining in the mornings. like i am
supposed too. Its had a couple effects. first I am getting up in the
mornings.. which means I am actally studying now (more often)... which
means I am actally learning to teach now... yes thats important.
The other thing is... well I realised now, that I dont think im fat
anymore.. the other day, i realized that my belt wasnt doing
anything... and I already cut an extra hole to make it tighter. sooo
that not good. Anyways now that I am exerising... I am way more
hungery... like the other day, I ate 5 plates of rice... oh a ton. and
a ton of other food. anyways...
(before I forget, about the spiderman-ironman-priate race... I am
doing it. its a marthaon.. Which means, you bums have to do it too. i
will only be home for a week or two, before we will have to do the
The reason this is important, is that if we dont do it, or dont train,
then dad will win. And he is bald and old! he already ran a marathon
earlyer this year. So really this is aimed toward the people with
hair... peter.... heidi. Remember the 5k in hilsburro? where we almost
lost to the wheelchair man? And I had to book it, at the end so we
didnt all lose to him? It will be like that, execpt I wont have the
strenght to do that... it will have to be one of you. We must show
that us, hair-on-head-still-people, are better then the bald people.
Andy.. you too. I figure andy if hes around can win the swim for us,
but heidi or peter, you will have to win the run! For the hair people!
anyways... Ill start training... today I ran one mile. In a about 50
circles. yep.)
ok well, hmmm what else...
so the other day, my companion and I went on a split with some
members. So I was to teach on my own. I actally did just fine. which
was rad. i was to teach about etrinal marriage... but i desided that I
knew more about family history (in english at least). hehe. oh well...
i am rad.
(also learning, In one whole hour of study I can learn a ton... much
more then 50-1 min, studys.)
resently I started memerizing scriptures in tagalog... somehow I am
learning them much faster then I memerized them in english. (i have to
memerise them in english first still, or re-memerise... but i can do
that in like 3 seconds.. now. its rreally werid.)
well thats a little bit about me...
the end
Elder Luke
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