aye, sweet! danel is a follow up trainer. I am a follow up trainee
right now. really cool to hear.
um, thats crazy, that jeremy is taken off. um, thats pretty sweet thou.
well heres some stuff i wrote to my president today... [with some additions]
This week we should have the interview for jorell carbonel [11 years
old]. He was
confused why we moved his baptismal date, but we know now that he will
be ready for the baptism. Things are going good with him. Actally we
have been giving little reading assinments with him, and he has been
reading them. This week we also have a CSP suchulkaled with him.
Roheilo, hasnt been progressing as much as we would have hoped. He has
been fairly buzy in the bukad (or rice fields). We also found a fairly
big concurn, besides the WoW. His testimony, even after proabliliy
having 100 lessions with different missionarys, isnt very strong in
the restoration. We tried to address his concorn, but... well, i think
hes doing better. I think he has lost hope with other things too. Well
we will keep working with him.
Jearm is another investgater who is now progressing. He is 17 and has
a WoW problem. He is a part-member family too. He is pretty quiet, and
is hard to get to answer questions. he also dropped out of school, a
couple years ago. Still he has been reading the reading assienments.
this week he was at church too.
This week at church was crazy! we had 74 people come. this was very
unexpected. Lately we havent been have PEC, and many times we end
church after 2 hours, because everyone has already left. Some how,
we.. had a ton. We had I think, 5 or 6 less-active familys come. We
had a inactive convert of about a year ago, show up. I have never
seen him at church before (elmer david). We had the biggest youth
group show up, including investigaters. We had 2 priests bless the
scarament, which has never happen before (usally we have a elder, and
a missionary elder). We had a very full youth class (instead of none),
and adult class. We had 2 older members,(like 60-70 age) who i have
never seen stay past scarment meeting, come to class. One of them, has
to walk with a cruch. (I actally sat with them, trying to see if they
could hear, and they are funny people). um Our elder quorm president,
who i have only seen once in my...14 weeks here, come. He actally ran
the elders quorm which usally doesnt happen. Well, sorta. He didnt
have a lesson prepared... so he points to me and tells me to teach.
uhh well, i went for it, and desided to talk about home teaching.
After getting it started, i pass the class off to a member, who knows
how to speak in tagalog, and take charge. We now have 7 sets of home
teaching companionships (I have heard of hometeachers here before, but
noon... (uh english... before..in the past). We also had a PEC, and
the branch president was talking about getting other callings ready,
and helping the visiting teaching get started. We (kami, The
missionarys) will be now heading a fireside next week on hometeaching
and visiting teaching. Maybe it had something to do with the district
conference last week.. but i did not expect this at all.
ok well not many addtions. um what else...
ok so family rocapor, the family that was baptised under me and elder
natual. Mostly doing good, tatay is going back to a couple WoW, things
but all in all things are good.
but, as we were just talking about jeremy earlyer... i noticed
something last time we were there. One is that tatay rocapor reminds
me of jeremy.. sooooo much. pretty much the same person. except that
he is prolly 40 or something and has 6 kids.
One of his kids, richard... is exactly like mattew from the ward at
home. like in 100 ways.
its pretty hard to get home sick here.
oh something else, my companion. He is sooo much like mark. like, i
have only really found one big difference. He is like mark in the
fact, that he is actally fairly smart, but the way he .. just is, no
one really realises it. Also in the fact that he likes to tell you,
what you dont want to hear. hehe. oi. which is a problem sometimes,
because when he speaks in english, he is sooo scarcastic (like
sarcastium doesnt really exist here... but i think whoever he learned
enlgish from was very sarcastic. ..) the reason this is a problem.. is
that like mark, he is really good at getting on my nerves... but
UNlike mark he doesnt like things bluntly and stright (very phlipino
thing i think), and he doesnt like react well when I bluntly say that
what he is saying is dumb, and that he is being dumb. So thats a
problem... hahaha, yah like last night he was super mad at me. But he
is quick to forget too. soo I think i figured out what to do... just
never speak english with him... so he cant understand when i am
getting bugged, and then he wont continue saying werid stuff.. that
might work.
about some of the work this week. Um well so a lot people actally
remembered there commitments to read and stuff. that was rad. um we
are teaching a man who is like 92. He really reminds me of grandpa
headman. not too much thou. He was in World War (the big one). heh. um
he also has a pretty sweet hat that says that. he was to be baptised
before, but on the day, he didnt want to traval to the district
center, to the font (about a 30 min. drive. the missionarys found out
later it would have been fine to do it in the nearby river.) Right now
he hasnt been to church in a while thou.
oh well, ummm well something dad asked was about the baptisms here. so
yah, in my area we usally go to balar, to the district center.
um actally about my area... i think its the smallest town in the whole
mission. Besides little tinahans (or little shops at peoples houses...
which there are tons here), there isnt much. On thusday, there is a
palanki (pa-lane-ki) or fruit market.. set up. there is a couple of
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