hello people.
um, well this week has been ... well fairly normal. we had a baptism
which was rad. It was in a little river near by. Our mission prez, was
coming to our zone, so we waited for him to get there. He has his
visiting family with him too.
I am feeling good about my tagalog now... i had i really hard time
figuring out how to say, what is your name. in english. or how are
you. (ooooooh maybe 'who are you?' shoot, i dont know anymore what
would make the most since in english anymore ... really i dont.) what
ever. (to the mission prez. family).
I also conducted the meeting, and tryed to do the whole thing in
english. nope. I forgot how to say the word 'and' and other words like
that. So it didnt make since to anyone.
um, also because the mission prez. came up here, he brought our pouch
with him (the mail). I was really really suprized to see a package,
come for my birthday, as i was i knew i wasnt getting pouch till feb
8. ( i havent opened it yet... i wonder what it is). And the fact that
mom was talking about sending a package... but not yet (well... now
appartenly). It was from a friend of mine, so that was pretty cool. I
also got a letter from, my roomate criag (serving in florada), hyram
dickinson, daivd + family, larryd + family, and a couple others.
pretty sweet. I was actally pretty tired, and sorta losing foucs. so
sweet. um yah one of the letters was pretty (well as a missionary we
would say) 'bold and loving'. haha. It was really cool.
Oh! about the letter from larrys family. it was pretty sweet. I really
liked something spencer said. "Hi LUke, you are a fishhead! you are
not a missionary, you are a fishhead! that's my story.. THE END"
wiat no not that one.
from Lindsey. (first, becuase lately I have been trying to do better
as a missionary, and stuff.. its hard theres a lot of stuff your are
to do and stuff. so when I got the letter i was talking about before,
It got me thinking, but whats really going to, and has started to help
me change, is what lindsey said.)
Lindsey : You'r on a mission.
ohhh right. its sorta werid how that simlple statement is more
powerful then, all the explaning in the world...
(actally... this is just like when i try to teach lucy how to swim. I
had just passed a swimming lessions teaching class. I tryed with her
for a couple times. The last day I took her, dad came. She needed to
swim a 50 to join the swim team. (across the pool and back). She was
having all sorts of trouble. dad just watched, and then at the end,
right before we were going to leave... he just steps in and says...
lucy, i will give you ten bucks if you swim across the pool and back.
And she did it! I still dont understand how that one worked. she join
the swim team the next day. I dont know,.... i guess i was trying to
Anyways.... well I dont know why i just wrote any of that. but, now i
will write intersting things.
well, here is some stuff i sent to my mission prez.
Hello, so this week we had our baptism for jorell carbonell. Which
you were in attendence. That was very successful, and we have a
successful confermation too. Jorell has now finished the introduction
sections of the book of mormon, and is now starting 1 ne chap1
With Jerem garino... He suprizes me each and every day. We asked him
why he missed the baptism, he told us that he had forgotten what time
it was. Then he told us, it was because he was reading the book of
mormon. He is now in 1 ne chap 14 (i think... he reads too much to
keep good track). Another day he said he had stayed up till midnight
reading. He is 18. Part memeber. this last week he and his family
came to church. His family left after 2 hours, and we invited him to
stay for the third. He did. Then after wards, he walked about 30
mintues to his house. He is awesome.
Tatay roheilo is a funny guy. We were teaching about the importannce
of going to church, and started talking about the scarament. We asked
if he had taken the scarament. He said no, because he wasnt a member.
.. then he said they count the the members right? and thats the amount
of bread thats passed out? I mean I see brother ray counting the
people every sunday. hehe. I am really going to miss that guy.
those are some of my investigaters. jerem is pretty rad. We invited
him to work with us... and he still does. pretty rad.
next week i think i will be transfered, but yah.
um right my birthday is soon. Lots of birthday greetings so far .. rad.
um i dont know. writing... wrininggg
oh right, our branch is rad, we ran out of room in the church, and had
people sit out side.
no i didnt have anything to do with that. People just ... started coming again.
Oh! jimmy was just telling me about something super rad. And i will
brag. um, so we all know that jimmy is a nerd. But! there more. jimmy
put my speed card game (onthe computer) (which i made for a contest,
to get a free t-shirt), on the windows phone store. my program has
earned 60 bucks! I am the radest!
um, i feel like i havent put anything useful in this letter. oh well.
um oh right! there was a guy who kept leaving church after scarment
meeting. tatay rocapor. (the family i baptised). he said he had to
chop some wood. so i told him we would help him. Well this thurday we
cut some wood. a ton. Well actally his kids did it. because, of like
200 pieces we chopped up, i cut like 3. The wood here is super tough!
oh well, he came to class this sunday. i am rad.
well... um, things are doing good out here. um yeah. i am rad.
Elder dickinson
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