September 6, 2010
Hi, well going to try to answer a lot of those questions, I have some stuff already written up though.
Um, about the secret places, I have found some. The pillow room is important. We found it, but it’s locked, so lots of people are practicing their skills to open locked doors.... ha-ha that’s good. I have heard of some making it in though.
So now I am at 1% of my mission, 99 weeks left. Or 4 weeks left here.
-about the army men... right after I wrote that I decided that it wasn’t the best idea. Oh well I got some now. I and my companion had a battle and we had my parachute with a drop ship attached. He is getting some blue ones sent in now I think.
-Sarah, I have been to the Bean museum. The same show too, we touched the live snake and turtle. I also used to be like Isaac and throw stuff down the vents.
Also, john smells.
-Zora- Moosta Zora!
I heard lots of people were sore from the run. That’s nice. That means they did it the best way. Basically don’t train, that much (comparably), and then run fast at the race. Nice.
I got a long list of stuff from things at home. That’s good.
Oh I saw a bunch of people this week.
I saw, sister Dalton (ma-ka-ell?) from Tigard. That was cool.
Um, also I saw another elder Dickinson that was whack. I didn’t make eye contact. Hopefully he isn’t a robot trying to take my identity. Or maybe I am the robot...
Um, I have seen Grace Fuller (from school) a couple times. She works here now.
I saw (Preston) Elder Judd (from school too.) We talked and he said there was another guy from our ward here going to the Philippines. I didn’t know that. When I asked for his name, he said he couldn’t think of it. So (this was at lunch). I looked around when I was eating and spotted him. I thought to myself "Hey, that guy is from my ward... the guy I don’t know his name" apparently Preston was right.
Um, Oh. I got a letter from my roommate back at school. Craig. He has been out for over 6 months now, which is crazy. But I guess he’s doing well, and getting his first transfer soon.
I am getting a hair cut soon... it’s hard to get on the list. I finally got on today. (Might be during class though... doe.)
Today is Labor Day, so no mail comes in. Most Mondays I get a bunch a mail, from sat/sun/mon... But not today. Plus since I only write mail on Monday, I won’t be able to reply to any of those, till next week. (I get to rad mail every day, but only write it on Mondays) if you get something from me that was written on another day then Monday, then you can tisk tisk me.
Also, if I don’t have your address, I can’t send you letters.
Cilla- thanks for the camera advice. I am thinking about taking more pictures (I haven’t taken many yet), I’ll send some home if I get them developed.
Dallin - so far being a missionary has been pretty fun. There’s lots of stuff I get to do.
Hi Eden!
Tanner- thank you for telling me I need to eat dinner! Ohhh right. Also that I can cut down trees, or sleep in them. Drawing letters is really cool!
Hi Carter!
Something that is pretty whack, is that I can hear the bell tower every 30 minutes here, (the one that was, about 100 yards from my apt. while I was at school.) Also, when I am at the temple, I can see the swkt (the tower), and the business building, and the building I took calc in, and took a computer science class.
Tammy- I hear Maddie likes Dora the explorer. Rad. Also her sweet drawing with Dora stickers is on my wall next to the poster Larry's kids drew.
Ok well, something kind of cool happened yesterday. It was Fast Sunday, and I had a testimony I said, I share.
During our district meeting today I wasn’t paying attention. Some thoughts came to mind, that was a personal spiritual experience on its own. But then I had a question, and during the last 5 minutes, the branch 1st counselor, took over (someone else was teaching), and pulled out a scripture that completely answered my question. Almost like he could read my mind. But I know that was actually the answer to my prayer, coming though him. Then I said, if the spirit is real, then there is a God, and Jesus Christ. And I know that Christ is our savior, and through him we can be cleaned of our sins. And then that what I am doing here really has a purpose, to help bring people to Christ. (Done)
Here is to members of the church or nonmembers:
I know that if you pray to God, you can receive answers to your prayers because he is our father in heaven. You can feel the answers through the sprit.
To pray:
You can open with addressing Heavenly Father or God.
Than thank Him for all the things you have received or things you are thankful for.
Then ask Him for things you need help with, or ask Him questions.
And close the prayer, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
If someone has any questions about this, you can send me a letter. You don’t have to be a member to pray. I am and don’t know everything but I can try to help.
Thanks for the letters.
Luke/ Elder Dickinson
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